Library Policies
1. Personnel Policy – Approved February 7, 2022
1.1 Personnel Policy
Personnel employment, salaries, promotions, dismissal, retirement, vacation, sick leave, emergency leave, dress
code, and resignation will be followed as stated in the current City of Redfield personnel manual.
1.2 Hours and Holidays
- The library will be open as follows:
Mondays: 2:00 – 7:00
Tuesday 10:00 – 4:00
Wednesday 2:00 – 7:00
Thursday Closed
Friday 10:00 – 4:00
Saturday 10:00 – 12:00
- The hours are subject to change at the discretion of the library director after consultation with the library
board. - The library will be closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Good Friday, Memorial
Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Thursday and Friday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. - In keeping with the City of Redfield, holidays will be observed on the day they are observed by Dallas
County. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be observed as a holiday. - The library may be closed at other times due to emergency circumstances such as closing for winter weather
or following the closing policies of Dallas County. - IIf the library director believes the library should be opened or closed for special occasions, the decision will
be made by the library director in consultation with the library board.
1.3 Staff Development
- The library encourages the attendance of all staff members and board members at professional meetings, conferences, and conventions. Time will be paid for library director to attend.
- Library funds will pay for mileage, registration fees, meals, and lodging for board members and library director.
1.4 Library Director’s Responsibilities
- Keep the library board informed of library activities, needs and concerns.
- Prepare a draft budget request and manage finances.
- Provide library board with monthly financial reports.
- Hire, direct and evaluate library staff.
- Inform city council, mayor, city staff about library activities, needs and concerns through attendance of monthly Redfield City Council meetings.
- Plan annual operations of the library based on the library’s Strategic Plan.
- Implement policies set by the library board.
- Remain current and knowledgeable about the library.
- Maintain accreditation status by attending continuing education.
1.5 Library Board’s Responsibilities
- Hire and evaluate the library director.
- Stay informed about library activities, needs and concerns.
- Review draft budget request including line items.
- Approve and monitor final budget request based on board approved priorities.
- Support and advocate for budget request when presented to the city.
- Review monthly financial reports.
- Inform city council, mayor, city staff about library activities, needs and concerns through attendance of monthly Redfield City Council meetings.
- Plan for the library’s future by setting clear direction through short-term and long-term goals based on the library’s Strategic Plan.
- Develop and adopt policies.
2. Circulation Policy – Approved February 7, 2022
2.1 Borrowing Privileges
- There will be no fee to anyone requesting a library card.
- Applications for library cards must be completed by the applicant or a parent/guardian. A parent/guardian must approve when a patron aged 17 or younger applies for his/her first library card.
- Library cards will contain a unique number known only by the patron, librarian, and State of Iowa Library.
- Materials will be checked out using the number assigned to the patron on their library card.
- Items can be checked out for 3 weeks and renewed once for an additional 3 weeks.
2.2 Borrower Responsibilities
- Patrons are responsible for all materials borrowed on their card. Parents/guardians are responsible for all materials checked out by a patron aged 17 or younger.
- Patrons with overdue materials will not be allowed to check out additional materials until overdue items are returned or replaced. Patrons with overdue materials will not check out additional materials on another patron’s card.
- Lost or damaged material will be paid for by the patron at a cost determined by the librarian.
3. Collection Development– Approved February 7, 2022
Materials chosen for Redfield Public Library will provide information, self-education, and recreational pursuits for the library patrons.
3.1 Selection Criteria
General criteria when selecting library materials include:
- Public demand, interest or need.
- Contemporary significance, popular interest, or permanent value.
- Attention of critics or reviewers.
- Prominence, authority, and/or competence of author or creator.
- Timeliness of material.
- Relation to the existing collection.
- Statement of challenging, original, or alternative point of view.
- Authenticity of historical, regional, or social setting.
- Local or regional significance.
3.2 Selection Policy
Selection refers to the process that determines which materials are added to the collection or retained in the collection. The ultimate responsibility for the selection of materials rests with the library director.
- The library will maintain access to a collection of up-to-date selection tools to aid staff in the decision-making process, such as reviewing services and catalogs of recommended purchases. Examples of these resources are professional journals, collection development tools, and supporting electronic resources.
- The library will always strive to balance general demand with those of special group interests, and to actively work to present both sides of controversial subject matter in a balanced and fair manner.
- Public demand is a valid factor in materials selection. Consideration is given to the interests of few patrons as well as many.
- Patrons may request materials not found in the library collection. These requests will be considered for purchase and addition to the collection. Interlibrary loan services will be utilized to obtain requested materials if they are not purchased.
- One-third of the budget will be spent on juvenile material and two-thirds on adult material.
6. Computer and Internet Policy – Approved February 7, 2022
- Computers are available for use by the public at no charge during library hours.
- Parents/guardians, not the library staff, are responsible for the internet use by their children.
- Computers are available on a first come first served basis.
- The library is not responsible for damage to any user’s storage device or computer, or any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from patron use of the library’s computers.
- Patrons are expected to treat library equipment with respect and care. The library reserves the right to restrict or terminate use of the computers if computer use guidelines are not followed.
- Library staff cannot provide in-depth training concerning the internet or computer programs. Staff will assist patrons with basic services. Due to the constantly changing and expanding nature of technology, library staff will not be familiar with every aspect of computers and the internet.
- Library staff will help students with reference work by suggesting sources of information. The library staff will not do the homework.
- Printing is available for $.25 per black and white prints $.50 per color print.
- If patrons choose to save or download files, they must do so to a removable data storage device. Nothing may be saved on the library computer’s hard drive. Although the library uses virus protection software on the computers, this will not completely protect materials downloaded.
- It is the patrons’ responsibility to comply with all local, state, and federal laws including but not limited to those concerning copyright, fraud, privacy, or obscenity. Users may not use the computers to gain unauthorized access to restricted files or networks. Users may not install or download any software.
- The library disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from access to or use of information through its electronic information systems, or any consequences thereof.
- The library makes no representations about the suitability of the information contained in the documents from its computers for any purpose.
- Privacy will be respected to the extent possible, however may be monitored by library staff if inappropriate or illegal use of the computer is suspected.